NANOCOSMOS has successfully achieved significative breakthroughs to address the fundamental problem of cosmic dust formation. We have designed and implemented innovative experimental set-ups and analytical tools well beyond the state-of-the-art. Next we describe the design, construction, implementation and commissioning of these innovations in the dedicated links:

NANOCOSMOS is providing new exciting experimental results in different research fields and challenging theoretical grounds. This menu is devoted to the description and analysis of Outstanding Results and potential new challenges.

New outreach video

Today we have 2 great audiovisual news: we present a new short video summarizing some of the scientific and technological achievements of our project. The premiere is today at 10:00h in our youtube channel:

And we also release the documentary “Nanocosmos: un viaje a lo pequeño” (subtitles available in Spanish, English and French): 40 minutes to talk about the journey of cosmic dust and the seek of our researchers to go deep into the dust grains formation.

We want to thank all the professionals that made possible those two audiovisuals, Filmociencia and LUZLUX, the institutions that support us, the European Research Council, the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and the funding from Fecyt (Fundación española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología). And, of course, thanks to all the researchers of our participating institutions for their work and their enthusiasm.

We hope those videos will help to understand how astrochemistry and fundamental science improves a better knowledge of the universe and helps Humanity to go beyond the frontiers of the unknown. Because, as Carl Sagan said: “The cosmos is also within us, we’re made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”

Why do we study chemical equilibrium in red giants?

You may have often read that “we are stardust.” It is a rather accurate expression, especially if we think that most of the elements that make us up (this scarce 5% of the baryonic matter of the universe) emerged from the core of a star and from a whole process of death and destruction. But what do we call stardust?

Nanocosmos has participated in this study, explained in the outreach article “Funambulist stars”, that you can continue reading by clicking here.

The documentary about NANOCOSMOS nominated for BICC awards

BICC is the acronym for “XXIX Bienal Internacional de Cine Científico Ronda-Madrid-México 2018”, the biennial international event for science movies. Our documentary “NANOCOSMOS: Un viaje a lo pequeño” has been selected as finalist in this contest within the category of “Science documentary”.

We are very proud to do our bit in science communication!  Even if we don’t get any prize, we acknowledge the jury for considering our movie for the contest.  We will stay tuned for the date of the ceremony. Let’s cross fingers!

Link to the BICC press release (in Spanish).

NANOCOSMOS documentary

In this web page we will show all the contents related to the documentary “NANOCOSMOS: Un viaje a lo pequeño”, available in Spanish, with subtitles in Spanish, English and French, a 40 minutes road movie about laboratory astrophysics supported by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology from the Spanish Ministry for Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the Spanish Council for Scientific Research trough the European Research Council (ERC).

This is the trailer of the movie:


Have you already seen the documentary? Please fill out this form:

