Christine Joblin in a Nanocosmos illustrated talk

Last Saturday, the 2nd edition of the “Illustrated talks” organized by ERCcOMICS took place at Jussieu Campus in Paris with the artist Lorenzo Palloni and the researcher Christine Joblin (one of our Principal Investigators) in the “Fête de la Science 2017” (Science Party). It was an amazing opportunity to share the astronomy and astrophysics behind the Nancosmos project, that has already a comic inspired in its science. This “Fête de la Science” is a celebration of science and technology and thousands of individuals get involved, providing general public the opportunity to discover the wonders of science. “Illustrated talks” are talks where the artist illustrates the scientist live while talking about the project. Congratulations for this outreach initiative!

Watch the full illustrated talk (in french) by Christine Joblin (research director at CNRS Toulouse) & comics artist Lorenzo Palloni at the Fête de la Science in PARIS, Campus de Jussieu, on the 14th of October 2017.

Here, some pictures from the 2nd edition of the illustrated talks with the artist Lorenzo Palloni and the researchers Christine Joblin (ERC Nanocosmos).

Christine Joblin, one of Nanocosmos’ Principal Investigators, participates in an illustrated talk during the “Fête de la Science” last 14th of October in Paris.

“Estrella” (Star in Spanish) is the name of the comic inspired by Nanocosmos.

Christine Joblin during the illustrated talk in Paris.

Lorenzo Palloni is the artist that gave life to the comic inspired by Nanocosmos “Estrella” and draw the stories live during the illustrated talk.

‘Estrella’, a comic inspired by Nanocosmos

homepage-banner-estrella-1The first chapter of ‘Estrella’ is out!

‘Estrella’ is a comic developed by an ERC proyect called ERCcOMIC and inspired by Nanocosmos. As the comic team believes in the power of visual storytelling, they illustrate each in a concrete, memorable and engaging way, drawing inspiration from science through stories and images.

The story of ‘Estrella’, by the artist Lorenzo Palloni, is set in 2106, and mankind is radically evolving. The NANOCOSMOS project has changed the path of astrochemistry and astrophysics, and now is the time for an elderly Estrella Leroux to pass the torch to three young scientists. Yet the story of an impossible journey of a young Estrella as a child inside the “Stardust” (a groundbreaking machine that reproduces the processes of a dying star) calls everything into question. The three budding stargazers will discover that their destiny is bound up with the mysterious Estrella’s, on the border between a surprising past and a never-so-uncertain future!

Don’t miss the story of Estrella and enjoy!

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