NANOCOSMOS post-doctoral position at the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain) in the field of laboratory astrophysics and surface science
Within the framework of the ERC-Synergy “Nanocosmos” project, we are seeking a senior post-doctoral researcher to work on: “Laboratory astrophysics simulation experiments using the Stardust machine”.
The candidate should have a strong expertise in some of the following fields: Laboratory Astrophysics, Surface Science (fundamentals and techniques), Ultra-High Vacuum systems (use and engineering), nanoparticle growth and solid-phase Physical-Chemistry. A good record of publications in peer-reviewed journals is a strong asset. The successful candidate will participate in on-going operations of the Stardust machine, being an interface between astrophysicists and surface scientists. The applicant must have an excellent knowledge in English, both written and spoken. The position will be filled for a fixed term of 2 years with a possible renewal until the end of the project in July 2020. The starting date of the position will be as soon as possible.
Applications. If you are interested in this position, please submit your CV together with a motivation letter and a recommendation letter, ALL IN ONE SINGLE PDF FILE, at the latest by the 15th of October, to: Prof. J. A. Martín-Gago (gago at
The “Stardust” machine is an innovative experimental station devoted to the production, processing and in-situ analysis of any type of cluster or nanoparticle made up to three different materials by means of a scaled-up multiple ion cluster source, in a highly controlled ultra-high vacuum environment. Stardust has been designed to simulate the complex conditions of cosmic-dust formation and processing in the circumstellar region of evolved stars and supernova.
More information available at:
Salary. The salary of the position is determined in accordance with the salary system of CSIC (Spain National Research Council) which amounts between €36.000/€40.000 gross in 14 instalments. In addition, funds for travel and allowance to conferences and workshops are covered up by the project.
Se oferta un contrato en prácticas con una duración de 3 años, para la promoción del empleo joven e implantación de la Garantía Juvenil en el marco del Programa Operativo Empleo Juvenil 2014-2020, la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil y el Fondo Social Europeo. Los detalles de la convocatoria pueden leerse en este enlace.
El título de la actuación aprobada es “Implementación del software de control y mantenimiento de la máquina Stardust“. La referencia es PEJ-2014-A-99784. Las tareas se desarrollarán en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid (CSIC).
Dentro del marco del proyecto de NANOCOSMOS, estamos diseñando y construyendo una máquina que simule los procesos físico-químicos que tienen lugar en estrellas evolucionadas. Para construir y operar esta instrumentación es necesario un amplio equipo interdisciplinar de investigadores, ingenieros y técnicos . Buscamos un perfil de formación profesional (FP técnico o técnico superior) que se ocupe de la implementación de un software de control y del mantenimiento y mejora de alguno de los componentes de la máquina.
Los interesados en este contrato deberán estar inscritos previamente en el fichero del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil. Este requisito se acreditará mediante la presentación de la Resolución del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil por la que se concede la inscripción en el fichero al que se puede acceder en la página