Please, click on the technique to download the specifications datasheet if available. Also, click on the contact person if you require additional information.
X-RAY PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY (XPS) AT THE ANALYSIS CHAMBER (STARDUST) | Chemical information. Low damage. Small charging problems. 10% accuracy with standards. Poor spatial resolution | Lidia Martínez (ICMM-Surfaces, CSIC) | Nondestructive unless coupled to depth profile |
AUGER ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY (AES) AT THE ANALYSIS CHAMBER (STARDUST) | Medium damage to samples. Charging problems. 10% accuracy with standards. Higher spatial resolution. Fast technique | Lidia Martínez (ICMM-Surfaces, CSIC) | Detects all elements except H and He usually to a sensitivity better than 1 atom percent of a monolayer. Suited for small features of microelectronic circuits or very fine surface particles |
ULTRAVIOLET PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY (UPS) AT THE ANALYSIS CHAMBER (STARDUST) | Analogous to XPS but the excitation source is a helium discharge source. Information about binding states (electronic structure) | Lidia Martínez (ICMM-Surfaces, CSIC) | Can damage the sample (higher energy tan XPS) |